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Why Us
Premium Online Reports
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Xpress Super’s regular reporting enables you to keep up to date by monitoring every transaction within your SMSF, without the burden of maintaining the bookkeeping yourself. With up-to-date information, you will have the confidence to make important decisions in real-time.
Our clients get additional peace of mind knowing that when we detect unusual activity, or identify a transaction that is non-complying, we’re able to attend to it promptly, rather than waiting until the end of the Financial Year.

Do more with Xpress Super

Our Premium Online Reports house a wealth of information for your SMSF by providing daily insights into investment income and performance, portfolio valuations and more.

Our comprehensive reports include:
- Member Details
- Asset Allocation
- Income Reports
- Balance Sheet and Operating Statement
- Investment Valuation
- Bank Account Transaction Details
- Contribution Cap Details with 3 year Bring Forward Rule Tracking
- Realised / Unrealised Capital Gains
- Pension Details - Min/Max and Pension Take YTD

Accounting and Tax
We handle all of the accounting required for your superannuation fund which are produced promptly at year end.
- Maintaining detailed capital gains tax records
- Maintaining detailed membership records
- Preparation of BAS/IAS/PAYG
- Preparation and lodgement of TBAR reporting
- Preparation of all minutes and associated documentations
- Preparation of the annual tax return and regulatory documentation
Looking to Establish an SMSF or Transfer an existing SMSF?

Talk to one of our experts, we’re here to help!
We are open: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (ACST)
65 Gilbert Street
Adelaide SA 5000