Daily Online Reporting
Daily Online Reporting
SMSF information is just a click away

At Xpress Super, we believe in providing trustees with the most up-to-date information to empower decision-making in real time. The annual “shoebox” service simply doesn’t cut it anymore!
Our Online Reporting platform is accessible 24/7, providing you with portable access to your SMSF information and reports. The platform is backed by Class Super, our accounting software provider of choice. Class Super has been servicing Xpress Super since our establishment and is a regular recipient of awards within the SMSF, investment and technology industries.
Through the platform, you can remain up to date with contribution levels and caps, ensuring you don’t exceed this. Retirees can view their pension payments and requirements, ensuring that they don’t fall short and lose any tax exemptions.
Most importantly, we’re processing your SMSF daily, not annually. If we identify any activity that could raise audit or compliance concerns, we will contact you immediately to discuss this. We can ensure that any subsequent action is approved by the auditors, allowing you absolute peace of mind that your SMSF always remains compliant.
If you would like a demo of our online reports, please contact our team at administration@xpresssuper.com.au or give us a call on 1300 216 890.
Do more with Xpress Super

Our online SMSF portal houses a wealth of information for your SMSF. The portal provides daily insights into investment income and performance, portfolio valuations and more.

Looking to Establish an SMSF or Transfer an existing SMSF?

Talk to one of our experts, we’re here to help!
We are open: Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (ACST)
65 Gilbert Street
Adelaide SA 5000