About Us
About Us
Xpress Super, an affordable & streamlined
SMSF solution

Xpress Super is an independently owned, low-cost SMSF Administrator. Our head offices are in Adelaide where our core team passionately supports trustees through the lifecycle of their SMSF.
Our service leverages the best platforms, software, and providers to create a high level of efficiency and data automation, resulting in a low annual fee and great range of investment options for trustees.
The Xpress Super service is designed to empower trustees to take control of their retirement future by ticking all the boring boxes:
- Facilitate SMSF establishment
- Transfer SMSF administration from other providers
- Monitor and support SMSF compliance
- Prepare compliance documentation
- Prepare and lodge tax documentation
- Facilitate the annual independent audit
- Much more!
What is left for you? Well, the fun stuff of course! As trustee, you are in control of the SMSF bank account, investments and decision making. Your future is in your hands.

Our Team

Our dedicated and passionate team are what make the Xpress Super service so special.
Looking to Establish an SMSF or Transfer an existing SMSF?

Talk to one of our experts, we’re here to help!
We are open: Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (ACST)
65 Gilbert Street
Adelaide SA 5000